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Julius Novachrono vs. Licht is a fight that occurs in the Royal Capital.


On top of a wall in the Royal Capital, Julius Novachrono is watching the sunset over the Clover Kingdom. When William Vangeance approaches him, Julius notes how unusual that is. William removes his mask and thanks the Magic Emperor for everything he has done. However, he informs Julius that there is another whom he treasures and that he cannot choose between them as their paths diverge. William then transforms into Licht, who thanks William and introduces himself. Julius expresses his regret over this revelation.[1] Julius thinks about how he has suspected William, but didn't think that there were two souls within William's body. Julius asks about William's scar disappearing, which Licht replies that the scar is a curse that has no effect on elves. Licht then expresses his hatred for humans and how their is only one way to quell his rage, which William is fully aware of.


Licht tells Julius that he suspects that Julius has the final two magic stones with him, and once he has obtained them then their plan will finally be fulfilled.[2] Both of them express how truly kind William is, for putting them in this situation. Julius express how William wants him to stop Licht, which Licht replies that Julius is the one who will die.

Licht says that Julius will take the responsibility for the Clover Kingdom's sins while launching a spell at Julius. Julius easily counters by using Mana Zone to freeze the spell in place. Julius says that he is capable of defending against Light Magic, which Licht asks to what extant can Julius defend against his magic. Licht thinks about what Julius's Time Magic is capable of and how his Light Magic is capable of countering it.[3] Licht attacks with a spell, but Julius dodges by looking into the future with his magic. Licht quickly get behind Julius and manages to wound him. Licht comments about how their is a limit to what Julius can dodge even with looking into the future. Licht also comments about how it must have been a long time since Julius has been wounded, which Julius says that it has been a long time since he was wounded. As Licht comments about how their is a limit to Julius's Time Magic, Julius replies by explaining how his Time Magic steals the time from others. Julius also says how even though he was born with magic that steals time, he was willing to create a future where there is no discrimination.[4] Julius heals himself by reversing time while saying that he will not die until his dream comes true,, which Licht replies that his dream will not come true. Licht attacks again which Julius easily dodges again. Licht get behind Julius, but Julius counters by suddenly appearing behind Licht. Licht goes to attack but Julius counters by destroying the spell. Julius informs Licht that he has already saw that Licht can't win against him.

Licht and Julius continue to battle, with Licht launching multiple spells at Julius. Julius easily dodged the spells, while managing to catch one of the spells. Julius sends that spell back, and manages to cut Licht by accelerating the spell. Julius suddenly appears behinds Licht and tries to catch him, but Licht manages to dodge it. Licht begins to wonder what kind of a man Julius is and what kind of Grimoire he possesses. Julius senses what Licht it thinking and points to his grimoire, which Licht is surprised by its shape.[5] Julius then explains how he began question who he it once he had gotten his grimoire, until the path that he walk lead to him being the magic emperor. As Julius says that he will protect the kingdom and its people, Licht thinks about how Julius is this world's last stronghold against what they are trying to do. Julius tries to attack Licht but Licht dodges. Licht then releases the power that is sealed within him. Licht prepares a spell and proclaims that he will punish mankind.

Julius sees Licht's spell and thinks about how they are in a bad situation. As Licht launches the spell, Julius thinks about how he continued to search for his own purpose while being in the Magic Knights.[6] Julius also thinks about when he met Zara, and thought how Zara was a true magic knight. Julius then thinks about how Zara was killed, and that he became the Magic Emperor in order to get power behind his voice. Julius also thinks about how thinks have slowly begun to change within the kingdom and that he is not going to let it end. Julius then uses a spell to erase Licht's spell, and protect the kingdom. Licht takes this chance to pierce Julius with a light sword, and comments about how Julius's weakness is being the Magic Emperor.[7]


As Yami arrives and sees all of this, including Licht taking the magic stones.[8] Yami sees William's helmet and asks what is going on, which Licht responds by introducing himself. Yami notices Marx, and tells him to go get help. Licht tells Yami that it is to late to help Julius, and is about to say something else but Valtos appears. Yami tries to attack Licht but Licht escapes through Valtos's portal. Yami checks on Julius, which Julius tells Yami about how wonderful Yami's is and how he has become a wonderful magic knight. Julius also comments about how his hopes and aspirations are starting to bud, and will be cared on to the next generation.


  1. Black Clover Manga — Chapter 142 (p. 9-17).
  2. Black Clover Manga — Chapter 143 (p. 5).
  3. Black Clover Manga — Chapter 143 (p. 9-11).
  4. Black Clover Manga — Chapter 143 (p. 14).
  5. Black Clover Manga — Chapter 144 (p. 9-11).
  6. Black Clover Manga — Chapter 145 (p. 5).
  7. Black Clover Manga — Chapter 145 (p. 16-17).
  8. Black Clover Manga — Chapter 146 (p. 4).


Arc 9 fights