Black Clover Wiki

The unnamed arc is the 4th arc of Yūki Tabata's Black Clover.

This arc revolves around the kidnapping of children from Nairn, which are masterminded by Sally, a member of the White Night Eye. It causes a conflict between the rogue mages group with the Clover Kingdom's Order of the Magic Knights.


The Blind Date

The Magic Emperor, Julius Nova Chrono, informs the public about what has happened and how they plans to make sure that it never happens again. Julius also thinks about how the enemy was able to into the city and that their might be a traitor, but doesn't make it public. After the announcement, Julius is informed by Marx that the interrogation of the prisoners went no information. Julius replies that they would have to wait for Fuegoreon to wake up to get any information on what happened to him.

Elsewhere at the White Night Eye's base, Rades is causing a commotion for the wound Asta had inflicted on him. Sally comes over to say that she already healed him and that she wants Asta to experiment on him. They then argue until Sally simple walks away to preform other experiments. At another location Valtos tells the boss that Catherine and Georg have been captured, which the boss says that he plans to rescue them. The boss then thinks about how Julius was able to inflict a wound on him and then tells the members that they will destroy the kingdom and create a new one.

Back at the Castle City, Asta has gotten lost within the city with Noelle and Charmy. Asta and Noelle then ask Charmy how she got into the city, which she shows them that she used her magic to hidden within Asta's clothes. Asta suddenly notices Yuno, Klaus, and Mimosa, and waves to them. Asta comments about what Yuno did, which Yuno launches a spell. Asta easily defeats it, which suddenly spells out good bye. Yuno, Klaus, and Mimosa leave, which Klaus notices that Yuno has gotten stronger while Mimosa thinks about how she will get stronger.

Later when Asta and then other get back to the Black Bulls base, Asta meets up with Magna and Luck whom tells Asta that they were able to get a star for their work. Magna is shocked when he learns that both Asta and Charmy have risen in the ranks of the Magic Knights, which Yami congratulates Asta for. Asta then worries about Fuegoreon but Yami tells him that Fuegoreon won't die that easily and Asta need to rest for now. FInral then appears and asks Asta to come to a blind date with him.

Later Asta is at a blind date with Finral and Luck. When Asta, Finral, and Luck introduces themselves that girls are not impressed. The girls then introduces themselves as Erica, Ellen, and Rebecca and that they are friends. Finral notices that the girls are losing interest and asks them of their jobs. Girls tell them that they rather hear about what they have done, which Luck and Asta reveals what jobs they have done recently which put the girls off. Finral then thinks about how their is not a normal guy in their group.

Noelle is close by working as a waitress and glad that they the date is going bad. Noelle hears someone talking about the attack at the castle city, which is revealed to be Sekke who is on a blind date too. Sekke then orders another drink which Noelle attacks him. Back at Asta's group, Luck and Finral where able to get on good terms with two of the three girls. Asta then tries to break the ice but Rebecca reveals why she is their and that she wants to get back to her siblings. Asta then talks about his siblings, which causes both of them to get on good terms. As drunk customer then comes over and harasses Rebecca about trying to get a man and comments about Rebecca's siblings. When the customer grabs Rebecca, Asta grabs him and tosses him onto the floor. Rebecca quickly grabs Asta and leaves the restaurant, with Noelle following close behind. After they get away, Rebecca thanks Asta and then asks if he has someone he likes. Asta says that he does, which Rebecca replies that she is rooting for him but thinks about how she is not going to give up on him. Back at the restaurant, the girls leaves thinks about how the black bulls are nothing but trouble.

Sometime later, Gauche is heading to meet his sister for her birthday after finishing a mission. When he gets their, Gauche is shocked to see Asta playing with Rebecca's siblings and a happy Marie. Gauche attacks Asta and asks why he is here. Asta replies that he was visiting his friend Rebecca and her siblings. Marie then tells Gauche to stop picking on Asta her future husband which shocks Gauche and Noelle who was following Asta. Sister Theresia then shows up to bring Marie back to the church, which Gauche starts to argue with the sister. Theresia still takes Marie back to the church, which Rebecca invites Asta and Gauche to spend the night. Later at dinner, Asta compliment Rebecca about how good her cooking is. Rebecca's siblings Marco and Luka comment about how she should go after Asta.

Later that night, Gauche enters the room that Asta is sleeping in. Gauche uses his magic to try to kill Asta, but Asta dodges in his sleep and wakes up from a slight burn. Asta asks why Gauche is attacking, which Gauche replies that he will stop Asta from marrying his sister. Gauche then creates a double and continues to attack Asta. Asta tries to convince Gauche to stop attacking but Gauche continues and even blasts Asta out of the house. Once on the ground Asta notices that their is a pile of snow and wonders what is going on.

The Missing Children

A Rescue Mission

Rebecca then rushes out and says that she can't find her siblings. Asta hears that other children are missing and wonders what is going on, which Noelle comes out and says that she saw that children had all left. Asta asks why she is here which she says that she was just passing by. Theresia shows up and says that the snow is a spell that lets someone control children with undeveloped magic and that some of the children in the church have gone missing including Marie. Gauche then attack Theresia but Asta blocks the attack. Asta then attack and tells Gauche to remain calm. Gauche then remembers that gave Marie a magic mirror that he can track. Asta, Gauche, and Theresia decide to go get the children, and tells Rebecca to not to worry and Noelle to watch the town encase something happens again. Asta, Gauche, and Theresia fly off on broom, while also telling Noelle to contact headquarters.

In a cave outside the village, the man who is controlling the children talks to them says that he is glad that he has so many new friends. The guy notices that Marie is no under his control, because of the mirror that her brother gave her, and tells her that she needs to be under her control for them to be friends. Marie replies that that is not what a friend is, which the guy hits her in response. The guys brother, who calls him Neige, Hurt him and says to not hit the goods. The brother looks at the kids saying that they can make a lot of money from their mana, but notices Macro and throws him out of the cave for having low mana. The brother then starts to work on extracting the mana from the children.

Outside the cave Asta, Gauche, and Theresia reach cave where the children are, which Asta notices Marco on the ground outside of the cave. Asta tells Gauche to head down, but Gauche replies that he is just going to get Marie and that Asta should let go if he wants to go head Marco. Gauche then continues into the cave, while Asta lets go to help Marco with Theresia following. Theresia and Asta reach Marco and notice that he is still under the control of the spell. Asta uses his sword to undo the spell while Theresia uses her fire magic to warm Marco up. Asta then asks Marco to wait out her while they go get the others, but Marco doesn't what they to leave him alone. Asta then lends Marco his robe saying that it will gives him courage, which Marco agrees to stay put.

Inside the cave the brother is glad that he has so much mana after extracting some from a few kids. The brother decides to extract Marie's mana next, but Gauche arrives just in time. Gauche notices that Marie is bruised and attacks the brothers. The brother tells Neige to stop Gauche, but Neige can't land a blow on Gauche. Neige then creates snowmen to attack but Gauche easily destroys them. The brothers wonders how much power Gauche and then notices that Asta and Theresia have arrived. Theresia checks on the children and notices that some of the kids have had their Mana forcefully taken from them, which angers Asta. The brother notices that Asta has no mana and starts to mock him. The brother says that he will take Asta on but Asta quickly defeats him. Theresia is amazed by Asta but then notices that Gauche is facing Neige. Gauche says that he is going to kill Neige, which Neige tries to stop Gauche by trapping him in snow. Neige is suddenly attack from behind, which Gauche reveals that he created a double of himself with his magic.

Asta then confronts the brothers about what he has done with the kids and then removes that spell on them. The brother then secretly contacts someone for help. Theresia then reveals to Asta that she knows about Lilly and also reveals what Lilly has said about him. Theresia then asks why the brothers would do this, which Neige says that he just wanted some friend and then asks his brother, who he calls Baro, what to do.

White Night Eye's Arrival

Sally then arrives which Baro yells at her for what has happened. Sally tells him to shut up and then tells Asta how glad she is to see him. Gauche quickly attacks but Sally easily diverts it away. Asta tells Gauche and Theresia to be careful, at which point Sally carges at them. Gauches tries to attack again but Sally easily reflect the attack again and counters by grabbing a hold of Asta. Sally then begins to examine Asta, but Theresia saves him with her fire magic. Asta compliments Theresia which she reveals that she was once a Magic Knight and that they are going to try to capture Sally. Baro tells Sally that he can help her if she heals him and gives him money, which he just plans to take the money, but Sally turns him into a monster. Gauche then takes his sister away while Baro attacks Asta and Theresia. Theresia creates a panther for the children to escape on but notices that it will take a couple of trip for all the children to escape. Baro then attacks Neige but Asta rescue him and tells Neige that he has to take responsibility for what he has done. Asta then continues to attacks but it is useless. Sally tries to grabs Asta but Theresia blocks her and thinks about how she can't keep this up for much longer.

Elsewhere Gauche is escaping with his sister, who is trying to convince him to go back. Gauche then remembers their past and that he only cares about Marie. Marie punches Gauches and tells him that she hate this side of Gauche and wants him to be the brother that she can be proud of. They then notices Marco and Marie says that she will stay with Marco while Marco says that he will protect Marie. Gauche then heads back, all the while thinking about how he hate Asta. When Gauche returns to the other, Sally tells Asta to give up but Asta replies that he rather dies which makes Gauche angry.

Asta then tries to attack, but Gauche saves Asta from being attacked by Baro. Gauches then attacks both Baro and Sally but it does no damage. Gauche wonders if he should use his trump card but decides to do nothing. Baro then manages to hit Gauche and tries to finish him off but Asta saves him. Asta then says that they are comrades, which causes Gauche to remember when he met Yami and decides to help Asta out. Asta's second sword appears from his grimoire and Asta decides to use it but it barely does any damage. Gauche wonders what to do when he comes up with an idea to create a double of someone else. Gauche asks Theresia to buy him some time and tells Asta to look in his eye, which has a mirror in it. Gauche then create multiple clones of Asta, who then fires multiples slashes at Baro. Baro and Sally are then defeated, which everyone is put at ease. Baro suddenly attacks but Neige traps him with his magic. Neige tells Asta the he plans to get revenge for his brother but first he has to take responsibility. Neige remember when his brother was nice to him, and then asks if Asta would be his friend which Asta agrees to. Neige thanks Asta but is suddenly attacked.

A Clash between Titans

Asta and Gauche notices the light, which Gauche is suddenly wounded. Theresia tries to shield everyone but it doesn't work and she is heavily wounded. Asta notices that they guy is the one that rescued his comrade, which the guy introduces himself as Licht the leader of White Night Eye. Asta then notices that Licht has rescued Sally and that he also has a four-leaf Grimoire like Yuno. Licht then explains why they are attacking the kingdom, and attacks Asta when Asta yells at him. Licht then asks why Asta has that grimoire, but Asta doesn't reply and tries to continue to attack. Licht appears behind Asta and tries to attack but it is blocked by the sudden appearance of Yami and Finral. Asta asks why they have come, which Yami replies that Noelle had contacted headquarters. Finral notices that Licht is a difficult opponent for having a large amount of mana and the he is also a light user. Asta then tells Finral that they need to get the children and injured to safety, which Yami tells him to return once the he is done. Yami then blocks another attack aimed at Finral which Finral quickly exits with the wounded and children. Asta is amazed at what Yami is going, which Yami explains that the weapon he is using is a katana and continues to blocks Licht's incoming spells. Licht then decides to attack Yami from behind but he is easily countered by Yami again.

Yami then asks why Licht and his organization are going the stuff that they are doing. Licht's replies by telling Yami about a powerful group of people that were tricked and killed out of jealousy. Yami doesn't understand Licht's story and counters by telling him of how he became the captain of the Black Bulls. Licht's then continues with his attacks but Yami easily counters then all. Yami then asks if Licht's is the one that attack Fuegoreon, which Yami replies that he was the one that attack Fuegoreon when he fell into their trap. Yami replies that that was the only way that they could have won and launches a spell that cuts Licht's cheek. Yami continues to say that he is going to show Licht the real power of a magic knight captain, and then tells Asta that he is going to do that same.

Asta tries to says that he can't do it, but Yami doesn't listens and just tells him to do it. Licht then uses recovery magic to heal, which Asta and Yami are surprised about. Yami then explains to Asta how he is using ki to counter Licht's spells. Valtos tries to join Licht in fighting Yami, but Licht tells him to capture Asta. Valtos then attacks Asta, but Yami blocks the attack. Yami tells Asta to surpass his limit for him to achieve his dream. Asta then tries to block Valtos attacks but fails which makes Yami angry. Yami tells him to use all his sense, which Asta then gets back into position and concentrates. Asta then manages to counter Valtos attacks and even hit him, which makes Licht angry. Licht uses a whip-like spell to attack both Yami and Asta and even destroy the surrounding area. Valtos congratulates on defeating them, but Yami and Asta suddenly pop out of the rumble.

Yami tells Asta to finish his work with Valtos while he starts to fight Licht serious. Yami releases his mana and charges at Licht. Licht manages to dodge Yami's attack and with a spell, but Yami counter with a flying slash that absorbs Licht's attack. Yami tells Licht to continue his story, which Licht tells him how warped this kingdom is and that they are here to correct the kingdom. Yami tells Licht that he can't stand him and continues to attack. Asta is amazed about Yami and Licht's battle, which makes Yami angry because Valtos tries to attack him. Yami tells Asta to take care of Valtos, which Asta charges at him. Valtos counters by sends a barrage that surrounds Asta, which Asta tries to counter. Asta thinks about what to do and abandons his swords. Valtos decides to finish Asta off, but Asta jumps through Valtos's portal and punch him. Yami compliments Asta, which Licht's takes the chance to attack. Yami counters by absorbing Licht's spell and wounds him with another spell. Licht compliments Yami and explains why Yami's dark magic is his light magic natural enemy and decides to use his strongest spell to finish Yami and Asta off.

Back at the village church, Theresia, Gauche, and Neige are being healed. Gauche tells Theresia to not die, which Theresia tells him that she won't die yet and gives him the rest of her mana to save the others. Neige and the children give their mana to Gauche and also ask for him to save the others too. Gauche asks Finral to take him back but Finral tries to convince him out of it but it doesn't work.

Back at the battle Licht has finish charging his spell and is prepared to attack. Yami has created to shield of darkness, but doesn't think that the shield or Asta's sword will do anything to block the spell. Gauche and Finral arrive at the battle and wonder if they are in the wrong place but then notices Licht. Licht fires his spell but Gauche appears in front of the spell and uses another spell to reflect it back.

Reinforcement Arrive

Yami compliments Gauche for defeating Licht, and then walks over to Licht and tells him that his light magic has another natural enemy. Licht replies that he con't bring himself to hurt Gauche and also says that the truth will come to light when they don't understand him. Yami then tries to restrain Licht with his dark magic but notices that three more people have arrived. One of them to get close enough to touch Yami's Grimoire. Yami counter with a spell that manages to cut the guys arm, but the guy heals himself with light magic. Another uses flame healing magic to heal Licht. Licht tells Asta and the group that the three are a group called the Third Eye and that all three are stronger then him. Licht also reveals that they are the opposite of the kingdom's clover symbol. Licht introduces one are Lair the faithless, who uses Imitation magic to copy Yami's dark magic to attack. Yami complains about Lair using his magic and counters the attack. Licht introduces another as Vet the hopeless, who uses Beast Magic to destroy Yami's katana. Licht introduces the last one as Fana the Hate, who use spirit magic to attack a complaining Yami. Yami continues to counter the three's attack until three other Magic Knight captains should up to help.





Arc 3 Arc 4 Arc 5
38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56
Volumes: 5 | 6 | 7
28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39
Chapters: III | IV