Black Clover Indonesia Wikia

Nothing's stronger than a determined woman.

— Kepada Noelle Silva dalam Gunung Berapi Yultim dan

Mereoleona Vermillion 「メレオレオナ・ヴァーミリオン Mereoreona Vāmirion」 adalah wanita bangsawan sekaligus anak pertama dari Wangsa Vermillion yang merupakan anggota keluarga kerajaan di Kerajaan Semanggi.[3][1] Dia adalah kapten pasukan Singa Merah Tua [4] dan pasukan Ksatria Kerajaan.[5]


Mereoleona adalah seorang wanita dengan mata biru dan rambut panjang bergelombang berwarna merah terang. Seperti saudara-saudaranya, dia memiliki tanda merah di sekitar matanya, dan seperti Leopold, dia memiliki satu gigi taring yang tajam dan menonjol.

Pakaian Mereoleona terdiri dari tunik berwarna terang, ditutupi oleh kemeja panjang berwarna gelap dengan lengan panjang dan kerah tinggi. Kemejanya didekorasi dengan kain dengan desain garis-garis vertikal di bagian tepi dan kerah serta di sepanjang lengan, yang terus digulung hingga siku. Untuk menjaga agar kemeja tetap sama, ia mengenakan ikat pinggang di pinggangnya. Dia memakai celana panjang berwarna terang. Di atas pakaiannya, dia mengenakan jubah merah yang menutupi seluruh tubuhnya.

Sebagai anggota regu Singa Merah Tua, Mereoleona mengenakan jubah khas regu yang hanya menutupi tubuhnya. Jubah memiliki desain rumit di tepi depan bawah dan dilengkapi dengan syal. Sepasang tali menonjol di antara selendang dan jubah di bagian depan dan sebuah batu menghiasi masing-masing ujungnya. Terakhir, lambang pasukan terletak di tengah belakang jubah.



Mereoleona memiliki sikap bermusuhan dan temperamen pendek. Dia adalah wanita yang keras dan agresif yang percaya tindakan menunjukkan lebih dari kata-kata. Namun, terlepas dari ini, Mereoleona menunjukkan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang bagaimana memotivasi orang lain, bahkan orang-orang yang baru saja dia temui. [6] Dia menghormati siapa pun yang mau menjadi kuat dan tidak menghakimi orang lain berdasarkan asuhan atau garis keturunan mereka.

Dia tidak menyukai Ibukota Kerajaan sehingga dia menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya di hutan belantara, berburu binatang liar dan berjemur di mana alami. [7] Meskipun tidak suka dan penolakan awal untuk kapten, [8] ia mengambil alih ketika Fuegoleon Vermillion dilumpuhkan, [4] dan memimpin Ksatria Kerajaan dalam serangan terhadap Mata Matahari Tengah Malam, berharap untuk membalas dendam saudaranya. [9]


Mereoleona dilahirkan sebagai putri tertua dari Wangsa Vermillion. [1] Ia dilatih oleh Acier Silva, siapa dia tidak pernah bisa mengalahkan terlepas dari kekuatan dan keunggulan elementalnya. [10]

Sehari sebelum dia menerima grimoire nya, Mereoleona dan adiknya Fuegoleon bertengkar setelah dia meremehkan Orde Ksatria Sihir. Api yang dihasilkan menghancurkan bagian dari Vermillion Estate, dan konfrontasi tersebut dikenal sebagai "Selasa Berdarah Panas". [11]

Bertahun-tahun kemudian, Mereoleona menolak kapten pasukan Singa Merah, yang memungkinkan Fuegoleon menjadi kapten. [12]

Setelah upaya pembunuhan pada Fuegoleon dan koma berikutnya, Mereoleona mengambil alih sebagai kapten dan, atas permintaan Julius Novachrono, menghadiri Festival Penghargaan Bintang tahunan.[4]

Mereoleona erupts

Mereoleona yells at the Crimson Lions.

Setelah Crimson Lions berada di posisi kelima, [13] Mereoleona memarahi mereka karena membiarkan Fuegoleon turun dan memutuskan bahwa mereka semua harus berlatih lebih jauh di mata air panas. [14] [15] Ketika dia mendengar Asta berseru tentang ide kamp pelatihan, dia meraihnya dengan cakar api dan mengundangnya untuk ikut. Yuno pergi tetapi dia menangkapnya juga, karena dia ingin melihat kekuatan dari dua pemula terbaik. [16]

Saat Yami Sukehiro memuji dirinya sendiri, Mereoleona muncul dan Yami menertawakan Asta ditangkap, sebelum dia menangkapnya juga untuk pelatihan. Dia melanjutkan untuk meraih Charlotte Roselei dan Noelle Silva dan membawa mereka semua ke Jalur Gunung Berapi Yultim. [17] Dia mendorong mereka untuk mencapai puncak dan sumber air panas di sana, tetapi tidak ada dari mereka yang bersemangat. [18] Dia kemudian menendang Asta dan Leopold ke jalan setapak karena mereka terganggu. [19]

Ketika Noelle mulai meragukan dirinya sendiri, Mereoleona mencatat bagaimana gadis itu telah berubah dan menantang dia untuk menjadi seperti ibunya, yang memotivasi dirinya. Ketika Asta pingsan karena kelelahan, Mereoleona menyuruhnya pulang karena ia tidak memiliki keajaiban dan tekad untuk mendaki gunung, dan berspekulasi bahwa keberuntungan membiarkan Asta mencapai rookie tempat kedua dan bisa membiarkannya menjadi Kaisar Sihir. Namun, Asta tidak setuju dan termotivasi untuk melanjutkan. [20] Namun, ia berjuang untuk menghasilkan jawaban dan membuat lelucon, yang menghasut Mereoleona untuk mengancam mengirimnya pulang. Dia kemudian meninggalkannya untuk berjuang[21]

Mereoleona punches Asta

Mereoleona punches Asta out of the air.

After Asta accesses his Anti Magic and loses control of the transformation, he shoots straight to the top of the volcano, where Mereoleona is waiting for him. She releases her mana and jumps at him while he warns her to run away. Pointing out that lionesses are the hunters of their prides, she leaps midair to Asta's left and punches him, sending him crashing into a rock. She compliments him for improving and then demands that he strip to enter the hot springs.[22]

After everyone reaches the summit, Mereoleona sends back those who did not arrive before sunset, and invites the rest to soak in the hot spring. Sol Marron divides the pool, and the women all undress and enter one side. Mereoleona drinks sake as she soaks and offers some to Charlotte, who refuses, which Mereoleona finds insulting. Charlotte then faints after thinking about Yami naked, leaving Mereoleona confused.[23] Mereoleona notices Noelle and is reminded of Noelle's mother, Acier. She compares the two, highlighting Acier's strengths that are Noelle's weaknesses, but points out that Noelle will surpass her mother with her own strength.[24]

Mereoleona comes for Black Bull

Mereoleona barges into the Black Bulls' base.

Several days after the Royal Knights Selection Exam, Mereoleona barges into the Black Bulls' base. She presents Yami with a gift of alcohol and then carries off Asta, Noelle, and Luck Voltia. In the Royal Capital, Mereoleona addresses the assembled Magic Knights and announces that they are the Royal Knights squad and she is their captain. After counting heads, she realizes someone is missing. As Zora Ideale drops in late, Mereoleona attacks him, but he counters it, which impresses her.[25]

After yelling at the distracted Black Bulls, Mereoleona orders everyone to change into their new robes.[26] She then introduces three additional Knights who were chosen: Siren Tium, Cob Portaport, and Nozel Silva. She questions Nozel's decision to join, but King Augustus Kira Clover XIII explains that a royal captain is needed for the Royal Knights. Mereoleona then announces that the Eye of the Midnight Sun's hideout is the dungeon in the Gravito Rock Zone.[27]

After gathering the squad beneath the dungeon, Mereoleona explains the layout and divides the squad into five teams, choosing Asta and Zora for herself. Zora tosses a rainbow stink bug at her, but she catches it and smashes into his face. When Zora questions why she would take two commoners, she explains that she respects strength, not social status.[28] She then tells the teams to head for the center room and to use whatever means or magic they wish.[29]

Mereoleona burns two Astas

Mereoleona attacks both Asta and Rhya.

As her team enters the dungeon, they are confronted by three mages, and seeking revenge for her brother, Mereoleona incinerates them with her flaming aura as she dashes past them and declares that she will defeat Licht.[30] As the group makes their way deeper, Rhya joins the group disguised as Asta, so Mereoleona burns both of them. Rhya drops his disguise and confronts Mereoleona; however, she quickly smashes through his Dark Cloaked Avidya Slash and punches him directly.[31]

Rhya is forced to keep retreating and attacking from long-range, but Mereoleona repeatedly smashes through the spells and closes the distances.[32] Without hesitating, Mereoleona punches Rhya's copy of the Demon-Slayer Sword and then unleashes a Calidus Brachium Barrage, using Mana Zone to hit from every angle.[33] She continues the barrage as Rhya falls back.[34] Unable to escape, Rhya activates his self-destructive magic, but Asta nullifies it before Mereoleona's strikes could set it off. After Asta punches Rhya and demands to hear his story, Mereoleona grabs the boy and threatens him for intruding. She declares that the Eye of the Midnight Sun must be crushed, but Asta counters that they should strive for a world of understanding each other, which impresses Mereoleona with the audacity.[35]

Suddenly Rhya begins glowing and stands back up, with his injuries healed. He attacks with both Light and Dark Magic spells, and Mereoleona is forced to defend herself and a surprised Asta. Mereoleona remarks that this proof against peaceful coexistence, but Asta counters that he will find a new path. Mereoleona tries to capture Rhya in another Calidus Brachium Barrage, but he dodges the punches and attacks back with Spatial and Light Magic. One of the attacks manages to graze Mereoleona's shoulder. The fight is interrupted when Lira falls through the ceiling atop his Four-Headed Lindworm.[36]

Mereoleona questions if their comrades have been turned into other people. Lira attacks with the Lindworm, and Mereoleona counters two of the magic blasts.[37] After Asta's Anti Magic fails to free Rill and more possessed Royal Knights appear, Zora and Asta agree to retreat, so Mereoleona smashes a hole in the wall, throws Asta and Zora through it, and collapses the wall to cover the hole. She then counters Rhya's and Rill's spells before challenging the five elves by herself.[38][39]

Mereoleona challenges five elves

Mereoleona takes on five elves.

The five elves coordinate to attack in series. Their combined Angel Flapping proves too numerous for Mereoleona to counter. Lira paints a giant that is too large for Mereoleona to burn away, and when she tries to dodge the punch, Rhya warps the fist to a different angle and Miniature Garden of Illusory Snow dulls Mereoleona's reactions, enabling the punch to connect and knock her down. Rossa tries to trap her in a sandstone prison, which infuriates Mereoleona. While she is distracted, Rhya ambushes and slashes her while the other elves rain more feathers down on her. She survives and fires a punch at Rhya.[40] Mereoleona keeps fighting but after taking more injuries, she decides to unleash Calidus Brachium Purgatory, which engulfs the entire room in fire. The elves use up most of their magic to defend, and Mereoleona is also exhausted but remains standing. The elves combine their remaining magic into a final spell, but Asta and Zora return[41] and defend Mereoleona, reflecting the spell back at the elves. Although the spell misses, Asta and Zora grab the unconscious captain and run.[42] Rhya chases them, and Asta throws Mereoleona over to Zora and is taken.[43]

After escaping the dungeon, Zora and Mereoleona regroup with the remaining Royal Knights. Mereoleona rests against a tree, and Nozel uses Eilia's Booth on her and the other injured.[44] Nozel receives a distress call from his squad, so he creates a vessel to convey the Royal Knights all back to the country.[45] As they reach the edge of the kingdom, Mereoleona's injuries are healed but she remains unconscious.[46] Along the way to the capital, Nozel drops Mereoleona off so she can finish resting.[47]

As soon as she wakes up, Mereoleona rushes to Clover Castle and, alongside her awoken brother, swiftly defeats the elves attacking the Black Bulls.[48] Before the gate to the Shadow Palace closes, Mereoleona goes with Fuegoleon and Mimosa Vermillion, while Nozel carries Asta and Noelle and while the Black Bulls and Kirsch Vermillion fight off more possessed Golden Dawns.[49]

Mereoleona punches Vetto

Mereoleona punches Vetto.

Once they pass through the gate,[50] the group is separated and scattered to different parts of the palace, and [51] Mereoleona encounters Vetto.[52]



Battle Prowess


  • Sihir Api: Mereoleona uses this form of magic to generate and manipulate the element of fire. She usually shapes the fire into a lion's paw.[53][54][55]


  • Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Mereoleona is highly proficient in hand-to-hand combat, easily able to overpower any opponent she encounters. Zora Ideale notes that she is more of a fighter than a mage.[57] She employs it as her main style of fighting, and also uses her magic in conjunction with her hand-to-hand prowess for more deadly strikes.[56]
  • Immense Strength: Mereoleona possesses great physical strength, as shown when she sends Asta flying into a rock with a single punch despite him being in his Black Asta form.[55] Her physical strength is great enough to fight on par with Vetto.[58]
  • Immense Speed: Mereoleona possesses tremendous raw speed, as shown when she outmaneuvers Asta in midair while he is in his Black Asta form.[59] She is so fast that she is able to parry Rhya's spells with great ease, with him stating that her reactions are on par with Vetto.[60] Zora states that her speed is monstrous.[61]
  • Immense Endurance: Mereoleona possesses extraordinary endurance, as shown when she takes the combined assault from five elves with no signs of being in pain and continues to fight.[62] Even after using up all her mana to use her ultimate attack, she remains standing only to continue fighting.[63]
  • Enhanced Mana Sensory: Mereoleona is extremely skilled in sensing mana, as shown when she instantly realizes that Rhya can't copy Asta's Anti Magic and punches straight through his copy of Asta's sword with no hesitation.[64]
  • Immense Magic Power: As a noblewoman and captain of a Magic Knights squad, Mereoleona possesses an immense amount of magic power.[1][65] Her magic power is so massive that Rhya states that it is not just from her being a royalty, but because it is a completely unknown human strength.[66] According to Vetto, Mereoleona is probably the strongest Magic Knight in Clover Kingdom.[67]
  • Mana Zone: Mereoleona can control all the mana in an area around her to increase her spells' power and range, and to predict opponents' attacks.[68]



  • Grimoire: Mereoleona possesses a three-leaf clover grimoire that contains various fire-based magic spells.[69]



  • Star Awards Festival
  • The Hot Spring Training Camp
  • Attacking the Eye of the Midnight Sun Base


Fuegoleon Vermillion

Mereoleona cares about her younger brother a lot. She trusts he is strong enough to lead the Crimson Lions instead of her. When Fuegoleon is incapacitated, she steps out of her comfort zone and replaces him as captain despite hating politics and the government.

Leopold Vermillion

Mereoleona is very rough with Leopold and will physically harm him if he talks back to her or argues. She believes he is weak without Fuegoleon so she forces him to train at the hot springs in order to get stronger.


Mereoleona is very interested in Asta after seeing him place as a top rookie during the star awards. At first, she thinks he only got that far due to luck and berates him for having no magic. After Asta proves her wrong and climbs the volcano, Mereoleona realizes he is not all talk or made it as far as he did due to luck. During their invasion on the Eye of the Midnight Sun's base, Mereoleona takes Asta with her personally due to her interest in him. When facing the five elves, she throws Asta away so he can live while she sacrifices herself and holds off the others.

Noelle Silva

Mereoleona has known Noelle ever since she was a little girl. She respects her a lot for becoming a stronger woman despite her inability to control her magic and being deemed a failure by her own family. Mereoleona never insults Noelle and sees her mother inside her. She encourages Noelle to continue to get strong like her mother and motivates her when she begins doubting herself.

Acier Silva

Mereoleona was very close to Acier and was trained by her. She was never able to beat her despite being extremely powerful and admired her a lot. After she died, Mereoleona often refers to her when talking to Noelle and uses her as motivation for her to get stronger.

Yami Sukehiro

Mereoleona and Yami argue easily and he even goes as far as calling her "Anegoleon". Despite their clashes, they both have great respect for each other and admire each others' strengths.

Notable Quotes

  • "Nothing's stronger than a determined woman." 「覚悟を決めた女は最強だ "Kakugo o kimeta onnna wa saikyōda"[70]
  • "Among lions, the females are the ones who hunt!!" 「獅子において狩りをするのはメスだぞ!! "Shishi ni oite kari o suru no wa mesuda zo!!"[59]


  • Mereoleona's favorite things are drinking sake in hot springs and wild game cuisine.[2]
  • Questions Brigade Rankings:
    • Mereoleona is the seventh smartest captain.[71]
    • Mereoleona is the second most disliked by animals.[72]
  • Mereoleona's grimoire design is the background for Volume 14's cover.
  • Mereoleona ranked seventh in the second popularity poll.
  • Mereoleona won the fan poll held to determine who would be the final playable DLC for Black Clover: Quartet Knights.


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 108 (p. 9) dan Episode 71.
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 Black Clover Manga — Vol. 12 (p. 168), Character Profile
  3. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 24 (p. 18) dan Episode 21.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 105 (p. 7-8) dan Episode 70. Kesalahan pengutipan: Tanda <ref> tidak sah; nama "c105p7-8" didefinisikan berulang dengan isi berbeda
  5. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 133 (p. 16) dan Episode 87.
  6. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 109 (p. 10-15) dan Episode 71.
  7. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 137 (p. 10) dan Episode 91.
  8. Black Clover Manga — Bab 172 (p. 9).
  9. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 135 (p. 12-16) dan Episode 88.
  10. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 111 (p. 10) dan Episode 72.
  11. Black Clover Manga — Bab 192 (p. 9-10).
  12. Black Clover Manga — Bab 172 (p. 9).
  13. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 106 (p. 14) dan Episode 70.
  14. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 107 (p. 15-17) dan Episode 70.
  15. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 108 (p. 1-7) dan Episode 71.
  16. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 108 (p. 8-9) dan Episode 71.
  17. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 108 (p. 11-15) dan Episode 71.
  18. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 109 (p. 1) dan Episode 71.
  19. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 109 (p. 3) dan Episode 71.
  20. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 109 (p. 10-15) dan Episode 71.
  21. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 110 (p. 1-2) dan Episode 72.
  22. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 110 (p. 13-17) dan Episode 72.
  23. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 111 (p. 1-8) dan Episode 72.
  24. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 111 (p. 9-11) dan Episode 72.
  25. Black Clover Manga — Bab 133 (p. 10-18).
  26. Black Clover Manga — Bab 134 (p. 7-8).
  27. Black Clover Manga — Bab 134 (p. 11-17).
  28. Black Clover Manga — Bab 135 (p. 1-6).
  29. Black Clover Manga — Bab 135 (p. 9-11).
  30. Black Clover Manga — Bab 135 (p. 12-16).
  31. Black Clover Manga — Bab 136 (p. 7-17).
  32. Black Clover Manga — Bab 137 (p. 1-9).
  33. Black Clover Manga — Bab 137 (p. 15-17).
  34. Black Clover Manga — Bab 138 (p. 2-4).
  35. Black Clover Manga — Bab 146 (p. 12-20).
  36. Black Clover Manga — Bab 150 (p. 9-17).
  37. Black Clover Manga — Bab 151 (p. 1-5).
  38. Black Clover Manga — Bab 151 (p. 12-17).
  39. Black Clover Manga — Bab 152 (p. 1-3).
  40. Black Clover Manga — Bab 152 (p. 6-17).
  41. Black Clover Manga — Bab 153 (p. 1-10).
  42. Black Clover Manga — Bab 153 (p. 12-17).
  43. Black Clover Manga — Bab 154 (p. 3-4).
  44. Black Clover Manga — Bab 155 (p. 11-12).
  45. Black Clover Manga — Bab 155 (p. 17).
  46. Black Clover Manga — Bab 156 (p. 5).
  47. Black Clover Manga — Bab 174 (p. 16-17).
  48. Black Clover Manga — Bab 190 (p. 5-9).
  49. Black Clover Manga — Bab 190 (p. 17).
  50. Black Clover Manga — Bab 191 (p. 1-3).
  51. Black Clover Manga — Bab 191 (p. 6).
  52. Black Clover Manga — Bab 191 (p. 13-14).
  53. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 108 (p. 8-9) dan Episode 71.
  54. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 108 (p. 12-13) dan Episode 71.
  55. 55,0 55,1 Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 110 (p. 16) dan Episode 72.
  56. 56,0 56,1 Black Clover Manga — Bab 136 (p. 16-17).
  57. Black Clover Manga — Bab 137 (p. 1).
  58. Black Clover Manga — Bab 192 (p. 6).
  59. 59,0 59,1 Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 110 (p. 15) dan Episode 72.
  60. Black Clover Manga — Bab 137 (p. 5-7).
  61. Black Clover Manga — Bab 137 (p. 9).
  62. Black Clover Manga — Bab 152 (p. 17).
  63. Black Clover Manga — Bab 153 (p. 7-8).
  64. Black Clover Manga — Bab 137 (p. 14).
  65. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 110 (p. 14) dan Episode 72.
  66. Black Clover Manga — Bab 137 (p. 15).
  67. Black Clover Manga — Bab 192 (p. 10).
  68. Black Clover Manga — Bab 138 (p. 3).
  69. Black Clover Manga — Bab 136 (p. 14).
  70. Black Clover Manga dan Anime — Bab 109 (p. 11) dan Episode 71.
  71. Black Clover Manga — Vol. 13, Questions Brigade
  72. Black Clover Manga — Vol. 17, Questions Brigade 1


Pasukan Singa Merah Tua
Fuegoleon Vermillion
Wakil Kapten
Randall Luftair
Ben BenfunkGarethRokken
Ruben ChagarLeopold VermillionForte Gris
Mantan Kapten
Mereoleona Vermillion
Theresa RapualGoht